Festival Finery our SNA challenge for July

Hello and welcome to our Style Not Age Challenge for July! Emma's choice of Festival Finery was greeted by all as a timely feature and one that I particularly enjoyed. I didn't have a festival to go to but chose my outfit with Glastonbury in mind and took myself off to the annual Tresco Fete as an excellent substitute. But first, let's check out the rest of the style collective to see how they approached this one...

Jacqui could be traipsing across a field on the way to her festival, maybe even Glastonbury too! Her summer dress is from Cotton Traders, sandals from New Look and bag from Fiorelli - see more from her on the blog Mummabstylish.

Hilda treated herself to a new hat from H&M and sunglasses from TK Maxx, shopping her wardrobe for the rest of her very stylish outfit. Catch up on her back story of dressing incognito for her festival on Over The Hilda blog here

Emma looks ready for a long day and night too of dancing in those fab Converse trainers at her festival! The pink leopard print jumpsuit was an amazing charity shop find - see more from her on her blog Style Splash

Gail is the only one of us who actually made it to a festival for this piece - she was at Hyde Park for a Kylie  Minogue concert! Her jacket is from Amazon, paired with old M&S chinos and natty turquoise shoes from Embassy London. Read all about it on Is This Mutton Blog.

I found my rather fabulous dress on Vinted (no surprises there then) along with the matching hairband. I've been so keen to wear this fab frock and yet was keeping it for this showcase first time out. As I mentioned, this was the annual Tresco Fete yesterday where they have live music, a bar, food, and lots of games and stalls for all the family to enjoy themselves. The weather was perfect all day long making for a blissful event for everyone involved. My friend Jodie kindly did the honours with my photos and made a great job of it!

My pretty floral embroidered sandals came into their own again this week with my 80's outfit. The handbag is old, a charity shop find from years ago, but a great little summer bag for occasions like this.

My necklace and matching bracelet are both old, charity shop finds, as are the two plastic heart rings I dug out to complete the look. I like nothing more that coming across funky jewellery when I'm trawling through my favourite mainland charity shops - I know it'll always come in useful at some stage!

Ah yes, here's the glamour shot to finish things off nicely! I do hope you've been inspired by this month's challenge - maybe we've given you some ideas for your next festival trip.

                                                                Anna x



  1. You must have been the most glamorous one there! Wonderfully flamboyant dress and head band. A great challenge from Emma x

    1. You know me Gail, I do love to dress up for any reason at all!

  2. You nailed it Anna. What a fabulous outfit, love every element.

  3. What a gorgeous dress and a fun outfit, Anna! You look perfectly suited to a festival! Love the flower crown!

    1. Thanks Sheila! It's not every day that we can muster up the excuse to wear a floral crown eh? xx

  4. Oh my goodness Anna, you stole the show; what a fabulous and fun dress and crown. You look wonderful! Xx

    1. Ah, thank you so much Phyl. It was the perfect setting for my fab frock xx

  5. Such a pretty dress Anna, really works for the festival spirit. Another wonderful challenge completed. Jacqui x

  6. Anna, with your festival outfit, your are looking like a much younger version of Anna.
    I'm a fan of your longer hair. I'm also wearing my hair longer. And like you, it remember me on my younger self, I'm always was a long haired girl, than, between my 40 and 60 years, a woman with a Bob, a Pixie, medium length hair, now, as 66, I wear my hair over the shoulder long, most time pinned up (to hot these days).
    We wear what we want, right?

    Enjoy your summer dear Anna,

    1. I have to agree with you Susa. Having longer hair again certainly makes me feel a lot younger - maybe it does take us back to our youth? Anyway, some outfits just seemt work and this one surely did! Thanks for your kind input as ever my dear friend xxx


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