The photos are from Sunday, Mother's Day, which was an absolute joy! I spent some time in the morning sewing the hems of these new jeans. They're by Next, via Vinted, and had those ragged unfinished hems, so I decided to add some bias binding tape to finish them off. You'll see that in the photo below.
I'm pretty sure a professional seamstress would have chosen a yellow tape to blend in but my stock is very sparse, hence it had to be orange. I'm not unhappy with the result to be fair. It's probably what you'd expect from me given that it's my favourite colour.
We went for pre-lunch drinks (with complimentary bunch of daffs for the mums) with the extended family at the New Inn and then went on, the four of us, to have lunch at the Ruin Beach Cafe. The outfit comprises of a jacket that Steve gave me for my birthday, an orange vest top (old) and these jeans with Amazon sparkly belt, plus fab new leather boots from Vinted.
The cute yellow handbag is by Dune, purchased from TK Maxx quite a while ago, but this is its first outing. I love the pretty beaded handle and the size is very cute too. I must love you and leave you now as it's time to go back to work. Thank you so much for coming - it means a lot to me!
Anna x