Emily has been a regular reader since the blog started, sending me the odd comment on facebook when she particularly likes something. She has asked that I feature the jacket that's shown on my Anna's Island Style facebook page as I've not worn it for a while. Emily, I'm delighted to oblige, especially as the temperatures here are just beginning to cool down now. Mornings are feeling much more autumnal, but by lunchtime I often have to change my entire outfit as I've pitched it wrong for the greenhouse environment that is our Westerly facing gallery. As the afternoon sun creeps around to shine in the windows, Polly and I start to glow. It's all about adding layers at this time of year and therefore the jacket fits in very well Emily.
The purple dress is new and seems to work so well with the structured jacket. I love the flirty skirt, and the ditsy pattern play against the jacket pattern is also great fun.
Apologies to you if you've been checking out the blog for this post since Sunday. I encountered Internet problems on Friday as I was packing to leave for the mainland and eventually had to just walk away. However, I can report that my weekend was full of little highlights, including some rather lovely charity shopping, swimming in the Art Deco Jubilee pool in Penzance with my daughter, and also a one-off photo shoot with an artist friend... All of this will be covered on the blog in due course.
Thank you Emily for this month's suggestion. If any of your out there would like me to feature your favourite piece again, please do get in touch by your method of choice - via the comment box, email, facebook, instagram whatever - I'd love to have your ideas.
Jacket S'NOB, dress is H&M (thrifted), shoes Topshop, handbag NW3, watch is thrifted, perspex rings were a gift, necklace is old.
I'll be linking with these lovely ladies this week -
Patti of Not Dead Yet Style
Cherie of Style Nudge
Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb
Jess of Elegantly Dressed And Stylish
Anna x