Fast forward 10 days and here we are again with our second summer show night. We had a very busy evening at the gallery with a steady flow of guests attending the opening night party to see the paintings created by Imogen Bone, Theo Crutchley-Mack and Melanie Max - see all of their work here. Theo's paintings were showcased for the very first time as part of a prize awarded to him on graduating from Falmouth University's School of Art (see his full story here page 65). Theo's next project, if the funding is approved, will be a trip to the Falklands to paint another group of islands so much more remote than these.
Theo and his family had enjoyed a lovely summer's evening with us, made all the better by Theo selling his first two paintings on his opening night. Cheers to that Theo!
My thanks go to the great team of helpers this week - Polly, Max and Heather who took care of the guests and beavered away behind the scenes to ensure that everything ran smoothly. Thank you ladies for all your hard work.
Polly towered above me tonight with these amazing wedge sandals. She went off dancing later, but I think maybe not in these sky high babies!
At the end of the evening there was a moment for me to stop, enjoy the view and reflect on what had been another successful opening night. Two down, four to go.
My dress this evening has come from Enjoy Clothing in Truro who specialise in vintage clothes like this and also fancy dress outfits. The frock label states Borghese by Toplet and I think is from the 70's. Shoes are a Spanish make, Carmen Poveda which I came across in a charity shop recently, brand new and a truly joyful find. Necklace was from Debenhams some time ago, rings from a charity shop. The fab orange nail polish is from the Rita Ora range from Rimmel, called Tangerine Tent.
This week I'll be linking with
Catherine from Not Dressed As Lamb
Patti of Not Dead Yet Style
Cherie of Style Nudge
Anna x