What a lovely surprise!

Apologies my dear friend for not showing up last week, but life overtook me and some things just had to give... But hey, I'm back and want to share this fabulous top/tunic/mini dress which landed on my doorstep the other day. It's come from a friend who I complimented when she wore it to a drinks party recently in the Gallery. I feel bad that I laid it on so thick about it being exactly my colours and how we could maybe timeshare it...

Anyway, just the other day I had a card from Nicky telling me I had a parcel on the way and bang, here it is! It is indeed just my colours and is a perfect summer addition to my wardrobe and, I hasten to add, it's not her one, but a brand new one that she's sent me. I ironed it and put it on at end of the day to capture these shots down on Pentle Bay just as the tide was coming in. There was a light breeze, but it was a glorious evening and a joy to get outside at the end of the day.

I paired the tunic with my old Boden trousers and didn't that work well. The tunic is by At Last... a brand I've never heard of before and it's called the Annabel Cotton tunic - I can't find this colourway, but here's a fabulous orange paisley version. Did you check it out? If you did you'll understand how guilty I feel at being sent such an extravagent gift - all because I was so cheeky!

I added one pink and one orange perspex ring along with a gold coloured chain and Radley sunglasses as my simple accessories.

As I moved further along the beach the cloud dispersed and the wind dropped whereupon I decided to shed my trousers and try this as a beach dress.

I do like it worn like this - what do you think? It might be the perfect beach cover up for my boating trips too. Talking of which, our boat is on the water and we've already had our first trip to the Eastern Isles, so all that hard work over the past two summers has at last paid off!

And that pretty much rounds it up for me this time. I'm trying hard to keep a good work/life balance, but as ever it's a challenge for me. Some people seem to have nailed it by the time they get to my age, but I'm still running around like a scalded cat some days and having to take to my bed straight after dinner at other times. Thank you for coming back to see me, I do appreciate your company.

Have a super week!
Anna x


Keep on keeping on!

Hello again!

Thanks for joining me today. It was only 24 hours ago in the spring sunshine that Steve and I took these shots in the green heartland of Tresco. I was feeling bright and bouncy in this colourful outfit and delighted to have something to share with you for my next feature. And then I woke up this morning with a real dose of the blues, brought on, I think, by disturbed sleep. Since I was a child I've been a poor sleeper with the slightest of worry impacting on my ability to drop off to sleep. I'm often still awake at two or three in the morning, reading as I try to wear myself or rather my brain out. The lack of mental stimulus currently is what seems to be showing with me now. Much as I can be physically tired, my brain is churning away the moment I switch the light out.

Anyway, I thought I'd follow my own, and often used, advice of Keep on, keeping on. We're all suffering ups and downs during lockdown and a dose of the blues is probably the least of our worries. Loneliness, financial hardship and worse of all, loss of friends or family members all overshadow my down in the mouth days, and yet we ought to be able to reach out to others in similar situations eh? My moods aren't consistent at the moment, but who can honestly claim to be coping all of the time? Lean forward and give me a virtual hug right now and I'll return it with gusto!

When I look at this shot the first thing I notice is how much I need a haircut. It's almost two months since I was last at the hairdresser and wonder how long it will be until I get back again. I'm already toying with the idea of scarves and hairbands as I see so many other woman resorting to currently. 

I need my colours done too!

I decided to add a pair of earrings to my look today as a distraction from the lack of hair style. These are a vintage pair of yellow and white beaded earrings bought from a friend who sells vintage clothes and jewellery online. See her Instagram feed here Madamefifipresents. Annie and I first met in London when we were both attending the casting audition for JD Williams a couple of years ago and have been friends ever since. I'm also sporting another new pair of Radlely sunglasses featuring sweet two tone frames.

As for the rest of the outfit, well you may have seen it all before, but not together. The Levi's denim jacket is most definitely vintage as I stole it from Steve when we first got together over 40 years ago. It definitely has improved with age - a bit like him I have to say! The bright pink chinos are by Boden (a couple of years ago) and the trainers were from TK Maxx last year.

The embroidered runners are by Replay and were a joyful find when I was at the Harrogate branch of TK Maxx. 

I found this fabulous Frida Kahlo tee shirt in Primark last spring and went on to buy five more for friends as well as my daughter. I fancy I was threatening to showcase us all wearing it together but never got around to that. We could maybe try again later this summer if things pan out well?

The glorious handbag was a purchase when I ran riot in London charity shopping with my dear friend Ben. We had a great weekend together, but I must admit his energy outlasted mine and I had to retreat to the welcome comforts of a bath long before the shops closed, but not before we had filled my shopping bags with ample loot. See the spoils strewn across my bed as his house here. The yellow bangle was from the same time and the rings are both pre-loved too.

I'll leave you with this lush and verdant backdrop of Pool Road on Tresco. A month of sunshine and showers has the island looking as beautiful as ever. I'm enjoying my daily jaunts outdoors and took a lovely little video from the beach on Pentle Bay last week - click here to see and hear the theraputic sounds of the sea. 

I'll be back again on Friday with another offering for the Dress Up Friday feature. Please do swing by again - I'd love to hear from you!

                                                                                        Anna x


Colour burst

A few days ago I was bemoaning my midweek blahs, but today has been a joy thanks to this colour burst outfit. A splash of orange is just what the doctor ordered to lift the spirits and get me back on track. I've topped off the bright orange chinos with this art deco inspired jacket which I found on ebay a couple of years ago. I was in two minds as to what shoes to wear - neutral wedges would have been more leg lengthening (thigh slimming too), but my new tassel sandals looked so cute waiting at the front of my wardrobe that I just had to give them their day.

Details - jacket: eBay (made in Morocco, no brand), t shirt: M&S, chinos: Boden, sandals: River Island, handbag: L Credi, necklace: Charlie Dodge, sunglasses: Quay Australia, rings and bangle: all charity shopped.

Linking with - 
Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb
Laurie of Vanity And Me

We've had a glorious day of sunshine here and I've managed to get two swims in, one early this morning and the other after work with my friend Kate who's here on holiday. We cycled to Appletree Bay just after 5pm. 

You have to laugh at our body language here - clearly we weren't expecting to share our outdoors swimming pool! The interlopers only stayed for a couple of minutes, but Chris our photographer captured the scene perfectly. 

Val and Chris are friends of Kate who thoroughly enjoy our swims without having to get wet and cold. Val loves collecting shells, searching for the tiny cowrie ones we have here hidden in the ribbons of shells strewn along the high tide line (no, not these big ones on the table). They're all heading off home tomorrow, but have had a lovely holiday with today's weather being the icing on the cake - honestly it could have passed as the height of the summer. Kate will be back again in June and I'm sure we'll get some swimming together then. Solitary swimming is fine, it's what I'm used to, but it's such a joy to share my hobby with a like-minded friend. See you soon Kate!
Anna x

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