Hello and thanks for coming! Today's news is that it's my birthday and I'm 66, officially an OAP! I don't know why I'm so shocked by this, but I somehow don't feel ready for free bus passes and whatever else may be due to me now. I suppose we're all the same; the age we feel inside is gradually drifting further and further apart from the image we see in the mirror. I'm not so vain that I'd resort to fillers or surgery of any sort, but maybe I'm guilty of refusing to dress my age - I certainly pay no attention to the advice given by the late singer, Prince, that of, "Act your age not your shoe size".
Steve and I had a picnic lunch today at the Ruin Beach cafe overlooking Raven's Porth beach. It was beautifully still as the tide gently rolled in and was a lovely backdrop for our time together. As ever, I used the occasion as an excuse to dress up and Steve stepped forward as blog photographer for the day.
I'm well aware at there may be many (women) who'd happy level the accusation of mutton dressed as lamb at me, particularly when you see the heels on these boots, but frankly my dear, I don't give a damn! Life is too blooming short for me to weep and worry at what others may think of me. My outfits do no harm to anyone and I certainly don't take myself too seriously as if I'm some fashion guru. I simply love clothes, always have done and thoroughly enjoy the creativity to be had from playing around with colours and textures of pieces to create new looks for myself. You're a long time dead, so for goodness sake, let's have some fun now!
So, on to the details of the outfit. The shorts suit is from Primark, bought on Vinted not so long ago. The sweater also comes from Vinted, as did the boots. The tights are from Snag and fur coat was from TK Maxx a couple of years ago.
All of my jewellery is old, some also pre-loved. Sunglasses are by Radley London, but not new either.
We had a stomp about on the beach after lunch and Steve took this post-shoot shot, very casual of me in wellies but looking suitably relaxed and happy - a true reflection of where I find myself at this juncture in my life. We sat together and counted our blessings for the life we've had here over the years and how lucky we were to find each other.
This evening we're off to join all of Steve's family who are staying in the newly converted Blockhouse Cottage where his sister yesterday held her 70th birthday party. I have photos from that and my outfit of the day, but that will have to come another day. I must make myself ready for my birthday bash as we're expected soon. Thank you so much for joining me on this special day. Monday brings our monthly Style Challenge and thereafter I'll give you all the news on both of my party outfits.
Anna x