The Scottish Highlands

Hello again! Apologies for my absence but I've been away on holiday - Jamie and I went to Scotland to visit some of our relatives as part of his birthday celebrations and golly what a lovely time we had!  We travelled by train to Gatwick and flew on to Inverness, staying there for four days to hook up with my sister who had flown across from Orkney and met up with my niece and her husband and my nephew and his partner and their son who all live in the area.

We were keen to do as much sightseeing as possible within our brief visit and were delighted to find that Loch Ness wasn't too far away. The day was fresh and stormy, very atmospheric, giving us a true feel of the wildness of the Highlands and the loch therein. There's nothing like a stormy day to whoosh you up and make you feel alive!

And talking of making you feel alive - there were three women swimming in the Loch that morning! The Saturday Morning Club meets up weekly so I took a moment to chat to the ladies about the conditions and how many of them take part. Aside from the three swimmers there were four others who had come along to act as support and to join in the social part of the post-swim. The temperature was about 13 degrees which is about the same as on Tresco. They did ask if I wanted to join them but luckily I'd omitted to pack my kit...

Next stop was the pretty little village of Beauly where we meandered through the small churchyard which led us onto the Old School, now a beautifully converted shop. The school rooms were each recreated into bright spaces housing the most most stylish of wares from clothes and household items to books, toys, toiletries and jewellery, not forgetting tartan goods of the most upmarket kind. I fell in love with a fabulous velvet dressing gown but as it retailed at just under £200 I gave it a miss. The other one I fancied was called the Teal Exotic Dressing Gown - see here. I did buy a couple of gifts for the family though; you can never go wrong with some delicious chocs!

We all gathered for lunch at Dalmore Farm and Cafe. The play area and petting farm are a popular tourist attraction, particularly for my great nephew Finlay. We milled about between cafe and sand pit and farm area taking turns to be on duty or catch up on family news. It was a super way to spend the afternoon.

Next day's trip was to Fort George, again another historic sight not far from Loch Ness. My knowledge of Scottish history is greatly lacking and something I feel I need to address before old age properly sets in.

The mizzle drifted in and out that morning, again lending an atmosphere to the ramparts where we stopped to admire the view and consider the life of those who had and still do serve at Fort George. It took 22 years to build - what an undertaking!

A quick bit of supermarket shopping in between sightseeing and this was a joyful discovery for me indeed! Mutton pies were part of my childhood, a weekly treat, topped with baked beans and heated up for a savoury lunchtime dish. My dad was a butcher, but I seem to rememeber that we bought our pies from Johnson's the Baker or even from Frostie's the bakers near our house. Happy days!

Sunday afternoon was all about the train set. It was another fluid situation with various helpers drifting in to assist otherwise eating, drinking and chatting were taking place elsewhere. 

Goodness knows if the family knew they were posing to be featured on my blog - I may not be invited back again after this!

On Monday morning we headed off to Culloden - this was a very busy tourist attraction with lots of coaches in the car park. 

The battle lines were heartbreaking to see; to imagine the bloody battle where over 1300 men died and were subsequently buried. On a lighter note I was pleased to capture the obligatory man in a kilt who was giving a guided tour of the battlefield.

By Tuesday lunchtime we were heading home again. We had travelled over 1000 miles by boat, train, aeroplanes and car during our week off work just to give us four days in Scotland, but it was definitely worth it. 

                                                                Anna x


London and another bloggers meet up

Hello again! How's your week going? Memories of our London trip are fading fast so let's get some of the snaps out to show you what else we got up to. If you missed the first instalment of our break see here for the catch up.

The Barbican, and another post-breakfast photo shoot.

The Michael Kors jacket came in very useful as the weather was quite mild at the start of our week away. I did a bit of shopping on Oxford Street after my first bloggers meet up (see here) and found these trousers and matching top in Zara. The heavy embroidery transforms what is basically black velour lounge wear into a luxe item.

Most days we went sight seeing, saw a movie or went to the theatre and ate out. On Friday we went to the Tate Modern then walked across the Millennium Bridge to St Paul's. 

Studio interior by Matisse

Coffee by Bonnard

A new addition to the Rothko collection, but I missed the title.

Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso

Autumnal Cannibalism by Salvador Dali

From the viewing tower at the Tate Modern

The dish of the day.

Steve showed me where the First Dates restaurant is. I'm a big fan of this programme which is a new discovery for me. Just after he took this shot we were milling about trying to find the nearest tube station when I noticed a couple of young ladies in a huddle chatting excitedly. Moments later one ushered the other off with a cry of "Good luck!" and then I noticed she was holding a clipboard and wearing a headset with microphone. Yes! They were filming, and this gorgeous girl who was sashaying across the square was on her way to her First Date. As the door opened I saw Fred standing at the lectern ready to greet her. How very exciting! I snatched a brief moment of this on my phone and loaded it onto my instagram here.

Next day I gave Steve a break from being blog photographer as I was meeting up with my second lot of blogging friends. We'd arranged to meet at the London Eye to get a bird's eye view of the Thames. 

Bloggers Gail (Is this mutton?), Anne Marie (Mutton Years Style), Jacqui (Mummabstylish) and I putting our best smiles on.

We managed to cram in such a lot that day - a trip on the Eye, then morning coffee followed by lunch and a stroll back along the Thames for a final photo shoot. And all the time we talked. We agreed that blogging is wonderful for adding another dimension to your life as well as being the perfect launch pad for building new friendships. We all have things we feel less than confident about within our blogs and that's where these meet ups come into their own. We covered all aspects of blogging, finding each others input invaluable. Gail is the techie amongst us giving us tips and advice on how to make improvements. We were in unison in urging her to share these nuggets of information on her blog for her readers to learn. All in all, it was a great experience and one I'd love to do again.

On our last night Steve chose to eat here as the final hurrah of his birthday celebrations. Red grouse was on the menu, a real treat for this gamekeeper who'd never before tasted this special bird. Served with all the trimmings, it was pretty much the highlight of our London jaunt for him. He finished the meal with a warm rice pudding and figs drizzled with heather honey, and swore he could hear the bagpipes playing in the distance.

And this was my choice of outfit for a trip down the local pub. I had no idea if I'd be over or under dressed, but this was what I felt comfortable in. As it happened, I was pretty much in line with the rest of the women there.

The London skyline twinkles and shines in the night as we pack up to go home. It was a lovely holiday, full of good times and happy memories. We'll be back!
Anna x


Sightseeing in London

Hello, long time no see! I'm back from my jaunt to London, harbouring a scratchy throat which may be the price to pay for getting up close and personal with the crowds on the tube, but such is life. For our week in the city we were staying in a friend's flat in the Barbican; one of those right at the very top with a rooftop view (see it on my instagram here). Steve took these shots on our way back from breakfast one morning - eating out is a treat, but eating breakfast out every day seemed quite decadent. 

I have to say that I was really happy to have included the red boots in my last minute packing. I wore them four times in the course of the week which isn't bad going.

St James Park was looking very autumnal.

Buckingham Palace always draws the crowds - I'm surely not the only one who hopes to see the Queen peeping out to give us a little wave?

As we crossed Horse Guards Parade in the late afternoon sun I noticed that the London Eye wasn't so far away. I was heading there for one of my bloggers meet ups later in the week.

We finished our walkabout day at Trafalgar Square where we stopped to watch the street performers before taking in a movie at Leicester Square. 

Next day I'd arranged to meet up with fellow bloggers Ashley and Laurie outside Selfridges and while I was waiting I popped in for a little browse. The cafe in the basement was cake heaven!

And this is what happens when you put a clutch of bloggers together - lots of pointing cameras at each other!

In between all the photos we talked. And talked. And talked some more and most of it was about blogging. Ashley and Laurie both do a lot of work with brands so I was keen to hear how that ties in with their everyday life. It turned out I was the only one to be in full time employment and yet they are both so busy with family commitments as well as attending blogging events that we all seemed to be equally rushed off our feet. Our common mindset is very much of seize the day with everything that comes along. They met up for the first time during a project earlier on this year and their friendship has blossomed as they support each other on their blogging journey. They now host a joint link up - take a look here. Ashley's son was designated photographer for the day and did a great job.

My outfit details - jacket: Michael Kors, sweater: H&M, shirt: Sainsbury's, tights: H&M, skirt: Gap, boots: Primark, sunglasses: Quay Australia.

Coming up on the blog on Monday is the monthly 5 Over 50 challenge of which Laurie is part. Later on next week I'll cover my second bloggers meet up along with some more London sights and stories. 

Laurie couldn't pass up this photo opportunity.

Anna x

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