Not one to underplay things, I've gone the whole hog with this today. Age appropriate? Probably not, but who invited the style police to this party anyway? As I said the first time I wore this skirt (see here) - "Girls just wanna have fun!"
I think I missed my calling in life. I would have loved to have been a cheerleader with fluffy pom-poms!
These mirror sunglasses are perfect for showing my photographer of the day - take a bow Sasha.
To be honest, I'm amazed that it's a whole year that's passed. I had only planned to continue for about 6 months, just as a personal challenge, but was still brimming with enthusiasm and ideas so have carried on. And now after a year, I'm still not done. I've noticed that there are other fashion bloggers who have run their blogs for years and years, but I worry that I may become repetitive or a bit blah after a while, and therefore I can only say, enjoy it now as I have no idea how long I can keep this up!
A little more than a year ago my daughter Sasha left home, not for the first time, but for the last, I think. During the time my husband was away with her, helping her set up home and doing all those necessary things, like pushing a huge trolley around Ikea to gather bed and bedding, wardrobes and tables, I was here, alone. I have no problem being alone, but this was suddenly a different thing. This state of affairs was one I had read about in many a paper and magazine. Yes, the empty nest syndrome. Now, I never saw myself as one of those sad, fretting mothers, who spent all her time, twittering around her offspring. There was never any running them to clubs and parties, not for me, not here on this tiny island. But I was aware of the space she had vacated, and that was one of female companion, listening ear, someone to share a joke with, or a moan if need be, someone to tell me if my outfit was too way-out for work or even this small community.
And that's when this wee seedling of an idea really took hold. Sasha and I had talked about me starting my own fashion blog previously. One of my close girlfriends often nagged me to send her photos of my outfit of the day, as she spent her whole life in overalls (such is the life of an artist, eh Maggie?) which I did, with her response always being that I ought to run a blog for women of our age. And now here I am, a year down the line, and loving the joy of sharing my clothes, my swimming and my life with you, my dear readers.
I've discovered that I can't be a fashion guru, or a beauty adviser, an agony aunt, or have a full-on magazine type blog with loads of tips on dressing for your shape or age. But I can show you what I wear, in fact love wearing, and hope that it may inspire women like me, of a certain age, what she can wear if she wants to, to step of our the stereotype of the over 50's. It seems that all I can write about, with any depth or knowledge of the subject, is me. This did worry me terribly at the beginning, as I struggled with the sheer vanity of the "look-at-me" nature of what my blog was going to be. I'm maybe a show-off, but I'm not smug. I'm a very generous person, particularly with other women who deserve compliments for making an effort to look good. I love to give positive feedback to women I come across, be it on a train, in the street, or even in the gallery where I work. I'm pro-women, pro-men too in fact, but I really enjoy making a woman's day by telling her she looks fab. We all like to hear that don't we?
Next, I can't do a round up of my blog without mentioning my health. I have a health page which really was the driving force for writing, sharing and putting my story into print. It's not pretty, or easy to share, but is part of me, in fact, it's why I am such a happy, joyful person. You see, when you've been ill for most of your adult life, (in my case since I was 18 when I was diagnosed and yes, I'm 58 now) then you really, really relish being well when you finally get there. I'm totally well, and delighted about this state of affairs. I work so hard to maintain my good health and I urge any of you who are blessed with a strong constitution to embrace it wholeheartedly. The only bit of advice you'll see on my blog is this - Do not take your good health for granted. Every day of my life I'm thankful for being healthy.
But I can't finish without saying thank you to the blogging community for welcoming me in. My thanks go to Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb whose blog is a wealth of advice and sound knowledge on how to go about setting up a blog and everything else that follows. Thanks also to Kristin, the Highland Fashionista whose writing style inspired me to pen a journal type-blog rather than an info-type blog. And thanks to Sheila of Ephemera, whose daily posts were, and still are, creative fodder for me.
And last of all, thank you to those of you who write to me by email, or in my comments, or make contact through Instagram. But the biggest thank you must go to you, the silent majority for bumping up my page views with such amazing consistency. Thank you for coming back again and again to read about my life on this little island. Initially I thought I would just be running a blog for myself, for no other reason than sharing photos and words with my half a dozen girlfriends and a few of my family. And yet now it seems there are so many of you out there. Thank you so much.
Anna x
Linking with
Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish
Cherie of Style Nudge
Happy Blogiversary Anna!
ReplyDeleteIt's been a great's to many more fab posts and great blogging adventures.
Thank you my dear partner in crime. It's been 12 months of fun and inspiration - what more could a girl want?
DeleteAnna x
Happy Blogoversary! Thank you so much for the shout-out (you are too kind, me being one of those "years and years" bloggers).
ReplyDeleteI hope you blog for as long as you still have fun with clothing - a long time! I love your creative looks and funky style! You're an inspiration.
Great to hear from you Sheila on this special day. Thanks for your words of encouragement.
DeleteAnna x
Happy, happy Birthday to your blog!
ReplyDeleteI only found your blog a few months ago, but I really enjoy it! I would have never thought you've only been blogging for a year. Somehow your blog seems much more "mature!"
I hope you'll feel inspired to blog for many, many more years!
Andrea’s Wellness Notes
That's so kind of you to say Andrea. Perhaps the maturity can be attributed to my years rather than the blog's age! So pleased to have your support as always x
Great post, and happy anni!!! Such an awesome style. Love it! Take care always, and shall view more of your posts soon :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your lovely comments and it's great that you dropped by today of all days! Hope to see you again soon x
No worries. Your posts and blog looks amazing :)
DeleteCongratulations on your first year of blogging, Anna. What an achievement!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy reading your blog and seeing your lovely outfits. I like that you don't give advice; personally, I don't really dig those blogs where people say - this is how you wear this or that. It's very much about what you like and feel comfortable in and that's what you portray.
Long may you continue!
Dear Veronica, thanks for your feedback. I'm glad you approve of my blogging style. I think that's what makes the whole thing so interesting - that we all have such different styles of writing. Same goes for the diversity of your blog, that's what keeps me coming back. See you soon.
DeleteAnna x
Happy Blogiversary, Anna. I for one am extremely happy that you decided to stick around. This is such a cheerful outfit. Those tights are killer. And yes, you would have made an excellent cheerleader. I was one and it was FUN!!! I'm so happy that you've gotten your health under control. So great of you to share your journey. Gosh, this whole empty nest syndrome. I didn't think it would hit me hard either but - me oh my oh - my house is so empty and quiet. Time to put on some petticoats and dance around.
ReplyDeleteThank you Connie, for all your kind words. It's wonderful that friendships can be forged through this common bond of dressing up. I'm so glad you like this crazy over the top outfit. I must admit, I did dance around in this fab red petticoat and what fun it was!
ReplyDeleteAnna x
Hi Anna, thanks so much for the shout-out! LOVE what you've done with the blog, and before you know it, so much time will have passed! Happy anniversary!
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear back from you Kristin. Blogging, who'd have known it could be such fun?
DeleteAnna x
Happy Anniversary!! Did it go by fast? I enjoy reading your blog and your fun and quirky, creative style. Love the underskirt, and I can totally see Cindy Lauper giving a "thumbs up!" Great jacket again, we seem to have a love for leather or fitted jackets. You look great. I am also fond of textured tights as well. Best wishes to you and your blog in the future. I have read your health section, as I also have included one, being a part of my life as well. I appreciate that you show strength and take things as they come. I too, began my blog as a creative outlet or diversion from chronic pain and illness, and have met lovely people along with way, such as yourself.
ReplyDeleteenjoy the weekend!
Thank you for linking up with Turning Heads Tueaday!
jess xx
Dearest Jess, I did read your health page very early on when I discovered your blog, and have felt an affinity with you ever since then. Likewise, your style is creative, with a touch more elegance and feminity, but still an element of fun too. Thank you for your support and lovely comments.
DeleteAnna x
Happy Blogiversary! You really are just a baby blogger ; P You might have 8 years on me age-wise, but I've got over 8 years on you blogging-wise. Not that you'd ever know it by the "success" or rather non-success of my blog! Ha ha!
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more about the health. Like everything in life it seems that one must lose it to truly appreciate its value.
You look ready to take on the world here.
I must admit Suzanne, I seem to be drawn to others who have faced up to adversity and therefore can appreciate the effort and the massive journey taken. I admire the likes of you and Jess who have opened up to share your experience through the medium of your blog. And yes, I did feel ready to take on the world in this outfit x