Mint in the mist

The mist was more like fog, but that didn't work quite as well in the title. Visibility was poor, but our photo shoot was given an air of mystery thanks to our hazy backdrop. 

We had a day of fog last week when these shots were taken. Sea mist, fog, haar - call it what you like - it added a bit of a different feel to the background. The sparkling sea no longer stole the scene, it was all down to the outfit to dazzle. Step forward my brand new, perfectly formed, mint leather brogues. Ah yes, that's a good start. Then let's just add the beautifully matching faux leather mint jacket. Oh, and what about these wool Oxford Bags in navy and turquoise which I bought in Palermo in February while we were on our cruise? Well now we're talking. The retro print vintage blouse is a sweet addition, softening up the masculine bones of the outfit. In fact, let's add a string of pearls to keep this feminine vibe going. But I can't resist the juxtaposition of these fab green braces against the pearls; what a lovely play of yin and yang. Add a pop of pink by way of this cute clutch and a couple of toning rings and the deed is done. Does that dazzle enough? 

Jacket: Vero Moda (TK Maxx). Trousers: Byblos, Italy. Blouse: The Olde Well (charity shop). Shoes: Office (now reduced here) Handbag: Ness (charity shop). Pearls: charity shop. Braces: market stall in Palermo. Belt: Gap. Rings: old.

Linking with 
Dawn Lucy at Fashion Should Be Fun  

One simple dress + one red underskirt = Joy!

So this is one of my charity shop finds from my recent jaunt to Harrogate. I mean the dress, which was originally from Topshop before it ended up in someones "to go" pile. The underskirt was my Christmas present to my dear friend Bo a couple of years ago. She lives in Portugal and I don't think has had many opportunities to wear it, therefore she very kindly sent it back for me to wear. And now that I've found the perfect frock to showcase it, I trotted off to work feeling pretty pleased with myself. Vain, what, moi? 

Sometimes an outfit just comes together without much orchestrating from me. A colour starts things off, then one item leads to another, and before I know it, the whole shebang is there. Without the red underskirt this is an OK outfit to my mind, but by adding that splash of red, the whole thing just sings. I feel duty bound to add a bit of joy to my life as often as I can. And the thought that this joy may be spread and shared through my ramblings and colourful blog photos is a real bonus. Life is a gift, and gifts are all the better for sharing.

My early morning sea swimming starts me off with a burst of joy. By the time I get out of the sea, after whatever distance, my mood is one of joy. How can I not feel fantastic after the ultimate exercise in clear, blue sea with only the birds and an occasional seal for company? To experience nature, to be part of this daily wonder, well, I'm forever grateful for that rebirth every morning. I get a chance to count my blessings, say my thanks for all the riches my life offers up, and ask for guidance with whatever challenges may occur in the day ahead. On a much more practical level, I'm always grateful that the icy waters have been good to me; the current and swell not been too overwhelming; and the sea hasn't been too choppy or too plain-old-freezing for me to bear! 

Jacket: TK Maxx. Dress: Topshop (charity shop). Underskirt: eBay. Tights: Dorothy Perkins. Shoes: Boden. Belt: charity shop. Rings: charity shop. Sunglasses: Quay Australia.

Linking with
Jess of Elegantly Dressed And Stylish
Cherie of Style Nudge 


That post shopping spree buzz!

Those of you who have to shop in bulk like me (very few of you I suppose) will agree that the months of doing without are usually worth the wait. After my recent trip to Harrogate, I have a wonderful collection of clothes to add to my already healthy closet. First of all, I tend to wear entire outfits from this new collection and then gradually integrate them with the not-so-new clothes. So here I am still in the honeymoon phase enjoying an entirely new ensemble which cost me a darn sight less than an arm and a leg!

I'm still a bit giddy with excitement at all these new choices. Today's pick was born from this beautiful jacket. I've found a charity shop in Truro that receives regular consignments of brand new stock from H&M, which is where this jacket comes from. I fancy that they may in fact be returned items, which would answer that particular question. While I was in Harrogate, I actually found a different charity shop which has a similar agreement with Boden. My oh my, these are well worth keeping regular tabs on if you ever come across them. Sasha is now a frequent browser in the Truro shop and has picked up some fantastic bargains to enhance her wardrobe. This gorgeous jacket cost me all of £5! Can you believe it? It was the only one like it, and just happened to be in my size. Lucky old me then! 

The skirt was my very last find before I came home. A new charity shop has recently opened in Penzance and it was there that I came across this pink skirt from Gap. Pink is my most joyful discovery in the colour spectrum and I'm still building up my pink collection. The woollen fabric has a light yet tweedy feel and is lined too, so what's not to love? And the cut lends itself to a cute little flippy hem which feels lovely and flirty when I walk. Flirty, not tarty, is the point. Lastly, I have to mention the boots which are again from a charity shop, but are hardly worn. The leather is super soft and the colour is perfect to tone along with the skirt. Even the tights are new. Another H&M steal at £1. 

My old faithful handbag joined in the showcasing of this latest ensemble. I love orange and pink together, don't you? Such bright fizz and fun when they sit side by side like this. I was delighted when I came across this fab pink and silver ring on my travels. Where exactly I can't say, it was just in a charity shop somewhere along the line. Eventually it all becomes a lovely blur of joyful finds and trophy pieces for me to carry home, brandishing them aloft over my head for all to see. Oh, the thrill of (charity) shopping!

Jacket: H&M (charity shop). Skirt: Gap (charity shop). Top: Sainsbury (sale). Tights: H&M (charity shop). Boots: Carvela (charity shop). Necklace: gift (Phase Eight). Pink flower ring: gift. Long pink ring: charity shop. Handbag: L. Credi (TK Maxx). Sunglasses: Quay Australia.

Linking with
Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb 
Patti of Not Dead Yet Style 


Introducing the Candy Bag

Every once in a while a handbag appears with your name on it, and this Candy Bag was one of those. I was on the search for a fringed bag while I was away recently, but when I finally got the chance to check out TK Maxx (where I was convinced said fringed bag would be waiting for me), well blow me, it wasn't anywhere to be seen! The only two sorry and tired-looking fringed offerings were evidence enough that this trend was old hat, and I needed to move on, pronto. Once I removed my blinkers, I was free to see what might be mine amongst the 400 or so bags that were on display. Suddenly, this beauty caught my eye as it sat proudly on the front of a shelf. Wow! I grabbed it quickly and carried it around, making sure it didn't have any rivals. Nope, not one. This was it. My trophy. My new handbag.

The wonderful bag is see-through PVC, yet doesn't look cheap; it's bright, yet not garish; conventional in shape, yet unusual in it's entirety. In short, it's my perfect new bag. I'll make my apologies now for the fact that it may well feature in far too many posts this summer, but that's pretty much how it goes with my latest love affair. Until the next one comes along...

The outfit today was really all about the bag. Understated is not my default setting, as you probably know, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. Let the bag have its moment I say. The Candy Bag has arrived. All hail the Candy Bag! 

Candy Bag: Furla (TK Maxx). Raincoat: Banana Republic. Dress: Tu at Sainsbury. Shoes: Salord Jover (charity shop). Tights: Dorothy Perkins. Watch: Michael Kors. Bracelet and matching ring: Dorothy Perkins. Nude/gold ring: Boots. Rose gold bangle: Kate Spade New York.

Linking with
Dawn Marie at Fashion Should Be Fun  

Created by bo design