Summer show: 6 of 6

Ah well, as the saying goes "All good things must come to an end", and so it has with my summer exhibitions. We've had an amazing run of shows this summer including this last one featuring three fine artists all so very diverse in their styles. But more about that in a moment as I really have to point you in the direction of the star of this particular evening, yes it's Polly! My darling assistant saved the best 'til last, making a dazzling entrance in this gold seqinned skater dress which sparkled and shone.

I'm so happy for Polly to have knocked me off my perch for the last evening.  She looks radiant from that gorgeous smile down to every last sparkling seqin. A passing boatman commented that she could be seen from Bryher! (The island opposite the gallery)

And as the evening sunshine dazzled these guys, let me introduce the attending artists, Alasdair Urquhart on the left and Stuart Kettle on the right. See Alasdair's work here and Stuart's can be seen here. The third of the trio, Anthony Garratt, couldn't make the opening night but you can view his striking paintings here. I love the fact that these three artists, more than ever, have managed to portray these islands so very differently. Their interpretations are as unique as the islands; full of character, individual, unrivalled in their beauty.

And for one last time this summer I'd like to say a very big thank you to the team who have held things together behind the scenes as well at on the frontline. Thank you Max, Polly and Heather!

Well, if we had to finish, then let it be on a perfect note like this. These two guests had spent an evening with us, enjoying the art, chatting to the artists and finally sipping wine as they watched the sun drop below the Bryher. We couldn't have laid on a better entertaiment than that I say.

My dress for the event was an absolute find from Tesco of all places, although the label denotes AX Paris, a concession I've previously found at New Look. Shoes are from H&M (sold out), necklace is from Dorothy Perkins (similar), my old faithful watch is by Michael Kors, bangle by Kate Spade New York and the rings are charity shopped.

This week I'll be linking with
Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb
Cherie of Style Nudge
Patti of Not Dead Yet Style
Jess of Elegantly Dressed And Stylish
Anna x


Cream shift dress

I wasn't sure how to follow up the rather unique post from Wednesday see here, so decided to play it pure and simple. This cream shift dress was charity shopped last September and this is the first time I've thought to wear it. However, something seems to happen to me when I put on a shift, I look so formal that everone thinks I'm off to a wedding. I suppose a lot of that must be down to how I accessorise it, but a shift seems to dictate smart as far as I can see. I have another shift dress that I wore last week and I ended up looking like the mother of the bride. I'll post that another day, just to give you all a laugh. I do like a good laugh at the shots myself!

Today we open our final summer exhibition so I will look a bit different by the end of the evening. Another posh frock will be pulled out from the depths of my wardrobe along with several shoe options just to complicate matters. The bedroom always looks like carnage after this last minute rush. I usually have something in mind for the show, but it doesn't always work out right. I do have two maxi dresses that may be good, but until I try them on with all the right accessories, I won't actually know. Wish me luck and will see you with the last round up of the summer shows and the frock of the day - all to come on Sunday!

Dress by Mani (charity shopped), bag by Fleur (likewise), shoes charity shopped, rings old, necklace by Debenhams, sunglasses by Quay Australia, bangle by Kate Spade New York and rose gold watch by Michael Kors.

Linking with 
Anna x


The travelling yellow skirt arrives on the Isles of Scilly!

I'd like to have a backing track to this post but the one I'd choose is not very hip. I'll reveal it later, but have to first of all introduce you to definitely the coolest blogger I've ever come across, Melanie of Bag and a Beret (yes, you're right you probably did hear a drum roll, with cymbals too). Melanie is an extraordinary woman who is ridiculously beautiful, witty, cool (have I mentioned that already?), articulate, kind, generous and a very talented artist to boot. I'm one of the many women who will happily confess to having a bit of a girl crush on this fabulous, fearless creature. Melanie is the owner of the aforementioned Travelling Yellow skirt - the full story about this item can be read here. The skirt arrived with me last week. I opened the door to find a small brown cardboard box on the mat, with a customs label on the front, declaring the contents to be "Yellow Skirt". My heart did skip a beat. I've been waiting a while for it's arrival and finally it was here. The skirt, I must say, is not an it, but a she. She travels the world, sprinkling her magic wherever she goes. I marvelled at the colourful additions, the countries, names, dates and heart-warming messages of love embodied in the garment. How amazing that I was able to take part in this too. 

And so to set the scene. It was Sunday afternoon and I had spent the morning at church, helping out with hymn books, collection and the like. The service had been accompanied by a violinist who was on holiday here and added greatly to the proceedings. His playing was a worthy substitute for our normal prerecorded music, in particular the rendition of "The Lord of the dance" which he played beautifully as the congregation assembled. It brought back happy memories of school days when we all sang it in assembly. After the service, I gathered together a picnic, blanket and all the necessary paraphenalia including the Yellow Skirt, and then Steve rowed us out to our little motor boat moored in the bay outside our house. The day was glorious, so much so that there had been a veritable exodus of small craft leaving their moorings all with the same idea as us; to find an uninhabited island as the perfect getaway on this scorching summer's day. The Eastern Isles had been my first choice when imagining the Yellow Skirt whooshing across virgin white sands on a deserted island. Not a chance, my husband had told me. Too many locals, too many visitors, all with the same idea, was his view on this. And he was right, as we motored around the North End of the island we could see the small boats all bobbing about on the horizon near the cluster of these tiny idyllic islands. So plan B it was then. Northwethel is a teeny, tiny island with not so much in the way of stretching white sands, but what I wanted was for us to be marooned, alone with the Yellow Skirt as our guest. 

We dropped anchor, and made our way to the shore of our desert island. We ate a lazy lunch, some of us maybe had a beer or two, and we watched the boats buzzing about in the distance. As the sun cooled down, Steve was ready to don his photographers hat. The Yellow Skirt and I got our act together and so the magic of the Travelling Yellow Skirt began. On hitting the sand my soundtrack began. Yes, "Lord of the Dance" was still ringing in my ears and to that lively beat I sang, skipped and danced my way across the white sands of our uninhabited island paradise giving our guest an afternoon to remember. She whooshed, she swished, she tripped up and over rocks in the most joyful of manner. 

And then we rested. The day was still hot, the tide beginning to ebb. Steve took the last few shots - my dear friend Sacramento's pink crochet flower below my knees and my own little offering by my feet. And then we set off for home. 

It had been a pretty perfect day. We had captured something special, something of the magic of Scilly combined with the magic of this travelling token of friendship. I shall never forget singing, dancing and skipping across the sand with the Travelling Yellow Skirt.

But wait! I have a couple of postscripts. The first is about another friendship that was recently cemented and it too involved the Yellow Skirt. My blogging friend Kezzie (read her wonderful blog here) was on the island recently and we too had a joyful moment shared for you to see. In fact the entire day was pretty much a string of joyful moments which I'm still editing for you to read. Kezzie's mother, Ros, was promoted to the postion of blog photographer and rose to the challenge very well, don't you think?

I'll be featuring our day together in a future post, coming soon so please join me for that.

And finally, I longed to showcase the Yellow Skirt on a long sweep of deserted beach, so we headed off a few days later and captured these last few shots to round off what has been a very special event. As this skirt makes her travels across the globe, the hands of friendship are bonded through this mutual experience, like a magical, gossamer thread creating a cobweb of love and harmony wherever she goes. "Love can build a bridge" does indeed come to mind. I'm so privileged to have taken part. Thank you Melanie! x

I'll leave you with Melanie's words of advice:

Let's enjoy life!! 
Let's enjoy dressing up!!
It's just frickin' fabric!! (a really good piece though)
We surrender to the positivity!
Let's dance, baby!!

Anna x


Something simple

Sunday, and for my third post in three days, I thought I'd serve up something simple. Well, simple in my eyes, anyway. Yes, I may have a bit of pattern clashing going on, and a pop or two of bright yellow, but that's tame by my standards. Today's look is more classic than wow, more everyday than party, but sometimes we have to take a breather. This slight lull is giving me time to rally. For what, you may ask? Well more of that later...

Sunglasses by Quay Australia. Photography by Polly x

I'm not a huge consumer of magazines, but I do like to pick one up as a treat most months. Red, Elle, Grazia, and the occasional Vogue are all great for both fashion and features. This month's front cover of Good Housekeeping caught my eye, thanks to the fab shot of Mary Portas. Mary is a woman after my own heart. A great business woman, with huge verve and energy for her cause, be it reviving the high streets or rejuvenating charity shops, Mary is above all things a true style icon. The biggest compliment I've had recently is to have been likened to Mary by client when we were discussing fashion for the older woman. I was enthusing about my latest shopping coup, explaining how you can find absolute gems in all sorts of unexpected places on the high street. I was bubbling with details of my favourite charity shops in Cornwall, giving her hints and directions, hands flapping and gesticulating when she said "I know who you remind me of - Mary Portas!". I'm not usually very good at accepting compliments, as they often fly past me as if they must be aimed at someone else. This time however I managed to capture it and respond with a "thank-you".

So there we go. I've survived my three day, self-imposed, madness of daily posting. Yes, I know of bloggers who somehow manage to post almost every day of the week, but I'm not them. This weekend was the exception, but it has been fun, none the less. Wednesday will bring a very unique post to the blog, something that by its very nature can only be a one off. Expect a whole lot of imagery. I'd love to tell you more, but don't want to spoil the surprise.

Jacket is old, by Zara. Trousers are Topshop from their summer sale (final reduction here). Top is old, by H&M. Shoes are old, by Topshop. Pendant is Vivienne Westwood (sim). Rings are charity shopped. Watch is by Michael Kors. Sunglasses by Quay Australia (these are nice). Candy bag by Furla.

Linking this week with
Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb
Cherie of Style Nudge

Anna x

Created by bo design