I'd like to have a backing track to this post but the one I'd choose is not very hip. I'll reveal it later, but have to first of all introduce you to definitely the coolest blogger I've ever come across, Melanie of Bag and a Beret (yes, you're right you probably did hear a drum roll, with cymbals too). Melanie is an extraordinary woman who is ridiculously beautiful, witty, cool (have I mentioned that already?), articulate, kind, generous and a very talented artist to boot. I'm one of the many women who will happily confess to having a bit of a girl crush on this fabulous, fearless creature. Melanie is the owner of the aforementioned Travelling Yellow skirt - the full story about this item can be read here. The skirt arrived with me last week. I opened the door to find a small brown cardboard box on the mat, with a customs label on the front, declaring the contents to be "Yellow Skirt". My heart did skip a beat. I've been waiting a while for it's arrival and finally it was here. The skirt, I must say, is not an it, but a she. She travels the world, sprinkling her magic wherever she goes. I marvelled at the colourful additions, the countries, names, dates and heart-warming messages of love embodied in the garment. How amazing that I was able to take part in this too.
And so to set the scene. It was Sunday afternoon and I had spent the morning at church, helping out with hymn books, collection and the like. The service had been accompanied by a violinist who was on holiday here and added greatly to the proceedings. His playing was a worthy substitute for our normal prerecorded music, in particular the rendition of "The Lord of the dance" which he played beautifully as the congregation assembled. It brought back happy memories of school days when we all sang it in assembly. After the service, I gathered together a picnic, blanket and all the necessary paraphenalia including the Yellow Skirt, and then Steve rowed us out to our little motor boat moored in the bay outside our house. The day was glorious, so much so that there had been a veritable exodus of small craft leaving their moorings all with the same idea as us; to find an uninhabited island as the perfect getaway on this scorching summer's day. The Eastern Isles had been my first choice when imagining the Yellow Skirt whooshing across virgin white sands on a deserted island. Not a chance, my husband had told me. Too many locals, too many visitors, all with the same idea, was his view on this. And he was right, as we motored around the North End of the island we could see the small boats all bobbing about on the horizon near the cluster of these tiny idyllic islands. So plan B it was then. Northwethel is a teeny, tiny island with not so much in the way of stretching white sands, but what I wanted was for us to be marooned, alone with the Yellow Skirt as our guest.
We dropped anchor, and made our way to the shore of our desert island. We ate a lazy lunch, some of us maybe had a beer or two, and we watched the boats buzzing about in the distance. As the sun cooled down, Steve was ready to don his photographers hat. The Yellow Skirt and I got our act together and so the magic of the Travelling Yellow Skirt began. On hitting the sand my soundtrack began. Yes, "Lord of the Dance" was still ringing in my ears and to that lively beat I sang, skipped and danced my way across the white sands of our uninhabited island paradise giving our guest an afternoon to remember. She whooshed, she swished, she tripped up and over rocks in the most joyful of manner.
And then we rested. The day was still hot, the tide beginning to ebb. Steve took the last few shots - my dear friend Sacramento's pink crochet flower below my knees and my own little offering by my feet. And then we set off for home.
It had been a pretty perfect day. We had captured something special, something of the magic of Scilly combined with the magic of this travelling token of friendship. I shall never forget singing, dancing and skipping across the sand with the Travelling Yellow Skirt.
But wait! I have a couple of postscripts. The first is about another friendship that was recently cemented and it too involved the Yellow Skirt. My blogging friend Kezzie (read her wonderful blog here) was on the island recently and we too had a joyful moment shared for you to see. In fact the entire day was pretty much a string of joyful moments which I'm still editing for you to read. Kezzie's mother, Ros, was promoted to the postion of blog photographer and rose to the challenge very well, don't you think?
I'll be featuring our day together in a future post, coming soon so please join me for that.
And finally, I longed to showcase the Yellow Skirt on a long sweep of deserted beach, so we headed off a few days later and captured these last few shots to round off what has been a very special event. As this skirt makes her travels across the globe, the hands of friendship are bonded through this mutual experience, like a magical, gossamer thread creating a cobweb of love and harmony wherever she goes. "Love can build a bridge" does indeed come to mind. I'm so privileged to have taken part. Thank you Melanie! x
I'll leave you with Melanie's words of advice:
Let's enjoy life!!
Let's enjoy dressing up!!
It's just frickin' fabric!! (a really good piece though)
We surrender to the positivity!
Let's dance, baby!!
Anna x
Anna, I am so moved by this post. I know that song, Lord of the Dance, very well, and see how appropriate it is. Your words are too kind but the Skirt can make us all a bit like that. How did this haaaappen?! Hahaha!!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy you have added your joy to the skirt. And that Steve had a hand in her as well at this idyllic location. And then there's Kezzie too - hahaha! - what a priceless photo of the two of you together. I love Kezzie!
Thank you again. Cheers to all.
There couldn't have been a more perfect time for me to receive the Skirt. Goodness knows what I would have done if it had turned up in the depths of winter! It was a pleasure, an absolute joy, and I applaud you for being the guiding hand behind this thoroughly positive project x
How lovely Anna!
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun piece and a great story behind it.
Thanks Samantha. We had a super day out putting this together, great fun!
DeleteAnna x
Magnificent! You're part of the travelling skirt brigade! I love, love, love reading the posts when the next blogger does one. They've all been so different! Wonderful. You and the skirt look so careful and what a wonderful environment for it to be in.
ReplyDeleteAnd then there's Kezzie! What a precious photo of you two and it made me chuckle that her Mum was promoted to blog photographer!
What a fun and special post. Hats off to you, Anna.
Thank you so much Jacqueline. It was such a special occasion for me. I too, love to see the next installment of the journey, so it was slightly surreal when I finally opened up the box to reveal the marvellous extravaganza. My location made it an easy decision as to how to style it up. The actual story was totally unplanned and just came about on the day. And Kezzie, well she's such a sweetheart - I'm working on that post to try to do her justice too! Thanks again for your lovely feedback x
Wow!!!! This is so wonderful Anna. Love love love it!
ReplyDeleteThe best location for the wonderful funny skirt. Great pics, such a treat. Thank you. And your styling too. I am some where in the line as well and cannot wait for it to get here. But since it is so popular I need so be patient I suppose. xo Sabina
So very kind of you Sabina to say such lovely things. I'm very fortunate to have these islands as a backdrop and I think it really made the story. It was quite a long time ago that I contacted Melanie, so yes, you're right a bit of patience is needed. It will be worth it in the end!
DeleteAnna x
What a fantastic post!
ReplyDeleteYou really chose the perfect outfit, pairing it with a swimsuit as it represents you so well, spending part of your day in one daily.
The photos turned out amazing, especially the ones on the beach! I appreciate the fact that you went out a second time to capture those.
It is fun to see you and Kezzie together : )
So many positive vibes here. I love it!
Suzanne I really do appreciate your comments on this. I loved to see your name and other bloggers who I know of featured on this wonderful Skirt. Much as I've followed her progress, it's only once you have the darling piece in your hands that you realise how special these connections are. Luck was on my side with the weather and the swimsuit seemed so obvious for a beach shoot. I'm delighted to have photos as a wonderful reminder of my day. And what a bonus it was for both Kezzie and I - I don't know who was more delighted!
DeleteAnna x
You styled this perfectly Anna!! It's so fun to join in on a movement that includes so many women from so many places!! And very appropos to wear it on the beach with a swimsuit!!
Thank you Jodie. I have to agree that the beach surely dictates a swimsuit, and this very structured one rather than a swimming one too. I did enjoy the ethos of connecting with others in such a benign, loving and creative way. It was truly a fun day.
DeleteAnna x
I just read the story behind the yellow skirt - what a story!
ReplyDeleteI love that you wore it with your bathing suit (so you!) on a beautiful island!
Andrea’s Wellness Notes
Dearest Andrea, I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it. The skirt does indeed have a great story. I had such pleasure in putting my episode together as the whole nature of blogging to me is about the joy of sharing. I'm so lucky to have these islands to share as well as my own clothing inspiration. Thanks for your comments x
This is exactly how the Yellow Skirt should be shown. As a piece which is you. When I had it, I was so scared as such creative people had done such wonderful things with it before me. But Shelley (the "administrator" haha) eased me and said: it should be how YOU style things, so how would YOU style it?
ReplyDeleteIt immediately set me at ease.
And seeing you in this wonderful friendship skirt confirms this. This is you, this is the island. Thank you for a wonderful post and tribute to the Yellow Skirt and friendship.
Dear Greetje, how very kind of you to say such lovely things. I know you're not one to throw compliments about without cause, so this means all the more for your generous comments. I too had worried when I saw the last couple of features on the Skirt as I wondered if I could live up to the others. But, like you I knew all I could do was to be myself. It all came together very organically. The church, the song, the weather, the island all played their part and the only thing I had to do was put the skirt on and go. I'm so pleased to have yours and the others generous comments, as this post, more than any other means so much to me. The pleasure of new friendships and the bonds created through blogging are becoming such a bonus in my life.
DeleteAnna x
Oh, the Skirt! I'm so happy to see her on you, Anna! I always look to see if my gear/keys survived (I sewed them on really well!), and it amazes me every time to see how the next person imbues it with her personality. Wonderful pictures, too! Welcome to the Yellow Skirt family!
ReplyDeleteI can assure you that the gear and keys are still securely fastened. The Skirt is a thing of wonder, fully understood only once you've seen and worn it. This piece of clothing with all of the history attached has such value to those of us involved. I'm hugely sentimental at the best of times, and this really got to me. Am at last a fully paid up member of the Yellow Skirt family - hurrah!
ReplyDeleteAnna x
I really enjoyed this post,the lovely story of your day and the story of the skirt,joyous in every way
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind comments. It's so rewarding to have such lovely feedback about this post, as it's the one I'm most proud of within my blog. Have a great weekend!
DeleteAnna x
Oh Anna, such a great post. I smiled while reading it and seeing you enjoying your day. So nice to hear about your day off relaxing though I do enjoy seeing your work outfits and hearing about your gallery shows too. You can really put together an outfit and a mood through your writing. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHow lovely to hear from you again Julia! I'm afraid I've been so busy with the exhibitions and just keeping the blog going that I haven't found much time to visit you and the other blogs I love to follow. That will all change soon as it's our final summer show tomorrow. Thank you so much for saying such kind things about this feature, I really do appreciate every comment. Enjoy your weekend x
WOW, that yellow skirt! What a wonderful idea by Melanie. I love her too! She is just so uninhibited and creative. Your photo shoot was so worthy of the skirt - beautiful scenery. You really looked like you had a great time wearing it. It's amazing how a piece of fabric can change the whole day! Thank you for sharing!!
So kind of you to drop by and give me these lovely compliments, Cherie. I did thoroughly enjoy hosting this little outing with the glorious Yellow Skirt, and am delighted to have such warm and generous comments. The Skirt is truly a work of art, and all the more meaningful as I recognised so many of the bloggers who had adorned it. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it x
I LOVE it! Although they aren't the Eastern islands as you envisaged, such is the beauty of your home archipelago that the place you chose was perfect to allow the skirt to express its freedom and beauty! I adore the swimsuit you teamed it with and ha ha, I love seeing that picture of us!!!!xx
ReplyDeleteDearest Kezzie, just goes to show that even here on the idyllic Isles of Scilly life doesn't always go to plan! No matter - we had an amazing day as you can see. Thanks for your lovely comments. And this photo was my favourite of us, maybe not the most exciting but is a display of genuine friendship which typifies the ethos of the skirt beautifully x
The following was sent to me to publish from my reader Marilee Gramith -
ReplyDeleteI've been having trouble posting a comment on the Yellow Skirt so I'm doing it here.
Your pictures have captured the joyful freedom of individual expression and friendship that this skirt symbolizes. Not only for the women who have worn and embellished it but those of us who happily follow her journey. I really like the way you took care to display her details as you danced her lovingly across your islands. A remarable tribute Anna
Marilee Gramith
Every comment matters to me. Thank you, so I'm happy to have your email with this message. The day was a moment in time, crystallised by perfect weather and the right amount of luck to inform a good story. And the story is exactly as you say, a documenting of friendship through clothes and art. I've been bowled over by the response to my chapter. The memories are captured, forever entrenched in the fabric and weave of the amazing Yellow Skirt. Hurrah!
DeleteAnna x
What fun, a lovely story and gorgeous weather too. How appropriateaddition and lovely to be part of a shared journey. Reminds me of a silk kimono that my branch of the Guild of Silk Painters made for a show. We made all painted fish on silk to be appliqued to the silk kimono. We painted a sea background on silk to make the kimono from. We had fun taking it in turns to wear it for photo shoots. One of the group modelled it at the show. Best wishes Tessa
ReplyDeleteThank you Tessa for telling me about your fish kimono project. These things are the ultimate in team building and have such a feelgood factor don't they? The great thing is that everyone always looks so different even though they have a common theme. So pleased to finally learn your name. Had checked out your blog and couldn't see it. Have a great weekend x
What a lovely post! Gorgeous pictures, well-written post and two beautiful settings. I'm on the wait-list, so to speak, for the Yellow Skirt, and I hope to do her right like you did, Anna!
ReplyDeleteDear Anja, I'm due to post off the wonderful creation to you soon. It will be exciting for you no doubt. I must admit I felt the two recipients before me did such a great job, it helped to fire me up with ideas to put my own spin on my presentation. Thanks for your feedback and good luck!
DeleteAnna x
Beautiful photos and such a great story. I'm imagining what I would wear with it. A great idea this travelling skirt x
Thanks Laurie. I love the story behind the skirt and will follow her progress with even more interest now that I've become part of the family. I'm sure everyone will be like you, imagining how they would style it up. It's inspiring!
DeleteAnna x
Oh, amazing, you and this skirt, I had it here some months ago in the woods near Berlin an now you had it there... in the north... I love this journey of the skirt and all the powerful women wearing it and weaving the web of joy... Great! Best wishes Ghislana
ReplyDeleteGhislana I shall have to go back to read your account now that I'm involved. It was so much fun to spend that day with the sole purpose of capturing the enjoyment to be had with this most special of guests. I will watch the rest of the adventure with even more pleasure now. Thanks for dropping by x
Anna, here you can find the skirt with me: http://jahreszeitenbriefe.blogspot.de/2016/04/montags-mandala-83-ein-gelber-rock-auf.html Oh my god, it was early spring, now we have late summer..., but I remember the feeling of wearing the skirt like yesterday... ;-)
DeleteThanks for the link. I've just read your post and have left you a comment. Time is rushing past us, but we will always have the memories of that special day x
Thank you so much ;-)
DeleteWelcome to the sisterhood of the Travelling Yellow Skirt! As the former Administrator/travel scheduler of the skirt, I'm happy to see it get a much deserved holiday on a lovely beach. My favourite photos are the one of you and Kezzie enveloped in the skirt, and you sitting on the beach with all the additions to the skirt visible.
ReplyDeleteIt is indeed a previlige to be inclued in this sisterhood. I must admit these are great choices from you and ones I particularly love myself. Thanks for taking the time to drop by and leave a comment - so kind x
You truly do live in paradise - wow! And you have recorded well the TYS in her latest haunt. That skirt has really been around now! And you got to meet Kezzie too - how wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI obviously am totally biased in my reporting, but the photos do tell their own story and it really does look like this (maybe just not all of the time). It was a bonus to meet up with Kezzie, but for her to arrive on the island just as the skirt had turned up was so lucky. We were both thrilled to share that experience together. Thanks for your comments x
Totally amazing Anna! Your talent and style are showing! xo
ReplyDeleteDear Judith, how very kind of you to drop by. Thank you so much for your lovely comments x
Visiting from Hat Attack! This is marvelous! One day I hope I'll have the good fortune to have an adventure in the traveling yellow skirt! Great post :)
ReplyDeleteHi Jodie, thanks so much for taking the time to drop by. I had such fun that day and will remember it forever. I was in the queue for over a year, but goodness me, I think it was well worth the wait. I really savoured every moment, even the sewing for my addition was such a pleasure. Be patient and do let me know when you're post comes up x
Anna, I was so happy to see your sun hat pop up on Hat Attack. Thank you so much for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Judith, I was over the moon to at last have an offering for Hat Attack. Will have to weave a few more hats onto my blog I think.
DeleteAnna x
I'm following the adventures of the yellow skirt and it has brought me to the stunningly beautiful place where you live. What a delight! Thank you to you and to your obliging husband for taking so many lovely photos.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to stop and leave me a comment. I'm delighted that you've found us here on this little island paradise. The yellow skirt is creating such a bond across the globe which is an amazing feat to say it's just a bit of material. The sentiment is what holds the magic I think and the love that we inbue into every stitch and token attached. We're all the richer for this golden visitor and greatly indebted to Melanie for the overseeing of this venture x